Movement ~ Music ~ Connection ~ Restorative play ~ Rest ~ Revolution
Join in for BIODANZA on Saturday, March 15th, 3-5pm. A space of collective care to feel, integrate and refuel, with a facilitated journey through music, movement and play, we are cultivating community and creativity together!
Aula bilingüe en inglés y español.
No experience needed, all ages 18+ welcome. Come as you are, with your curious heart and a desire to connect with yourself and others. Bring comfortable clothes for moving in, bare feet or indoor-only shoes, and a water bottle.
Sign up ahead of time thru Venmo/Paypal, or online at Sliding scale $20-35 early bird through 3/7, $25-40 onward; $60-100 for a Mar/Apr/May pass.
Register through or >>> be sure to include your email address for information and updates on this event.
Biodanza is a gentle and powerful integrative system promoting human development both personal and collective, originally developed in Chile during the 1960's and now a global movement. Each class journeys through life-affirming exercises that take the form of dances and other movements that connect with everyday life, paired with carefully-chosen, inspiring music from around the world. These are invitations into vivencia, experiences of feeling completely alive in the present moment, and building on each other they create a cascade of experiences that open up new ways of relating with ourselves, each other, and the world around us. In the process, we are invited to reclaim what’s most life-giving for each of us, discovering new ways of moving through life, learning how to live together as human beings, and celebrating and building on all the good. Connect with your inner strength and innate creativity, move to heal your emotional and physical body, grow your resilience and capacity for being in the here and now. Come for two hours of restorative play and community care each month, of vividly lived present moments that return us to our most essential selves and create ripples far beyond this time together.