Attend one of two upcoming meetings to help shape the future of Somerville’s music ecosystem. Whether you’re concerned about venues, rehearsal spaces, recording spaces, or other issues, lend your voice to the conversation and help us brainstorm solutions. These meetings are a continuation of the “cultural ambassador” music meetings the Somervill Arts Council held to help shape the Somerville Cultural Capacity Plan. Moving forward with these community music group meetings to focus on music infrastructure issues is one of the actionable items mentioned in the plan. Special thanks to Ajda Snyder and the Art Stays Here coalition for leading the charge with these meetings.
Members of the music community are encouraged to participate so SAC can deepen their understanding of local needs and explore collaborative solutions between the City and the local community. With recent ACE zoning revisions and growing potential for development to provide space that can support the music ecosystem, these conversations will allow members of the music community to have a direct role in shaping spaces that serve them best.
Music Ecosystem Meeting 1: March 31, 6:30-8pm, The Jungle, 6 Sanborn Court
Music Ecosystem Meeting 2: March 23, 4-5:30pm, Somerville Music Spaces, 1060 Broadway C101B