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Gathering of the Fairies

  • Somerville Community Growing Center 22 Vinal Avenue Somerville, MA, 02143 United States (map)

Celebratory activities in the garden for fairies and their friends include storytelling, building a fairy house and creating a fairy wand. Everyone is invited to come dressed up as their favorite magical being. Donations are encouraged to support the Growing Center and future Gatherings of the Fairies. Link to flyer:

Las actividades de celebración en el jardín para las hadas y sus amigos incluyen cuentacuentos, construcción de una casa de hadas y creación de una varita mágica. Todo el mundo está invitado a disfrazarse de su ser mágico favorito. Folleto:

As atividades comemorativas no jardim para as fadas e seus amigos incluem contar histórias, construir uma casa de fada e criar uma varinha de fada. Todos estão convidados a se vestir como seu ser mágico favorito. Folheto:

Earlier Event: September 7
10th Annual Hip Hop Festival
Later Event: September 8
Rock and Roll Yard Sale